Asociación Argentina de Ética y Compliance
Argentina Association of Ethics and Compliance
AAEC is no-profit no-governmental organization of Ethics and Compliance professionals and practitioners based in Argentina.
Maipú 942 - Piso 1
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
Phone: (54) 11 4106-7000
Email: [email protected]
Carlos Rozen, President
Diego Rodriguez Rearte, Executive Director
Mariana Neustadt, Co-Director Institutional Relations
Liliana Arimany, Co-Director Institutional Relations
For more information please visit: http://www.eticaycompliance.org
Asociación Argentina de Ética y Compliance
Argentina Association of Ethics and Compliance
AAEC is no-profit no-governmental organization of Ethics and Compliance professionals and practitioners based in Argentina.
- Encourage law and ethical standards compliance.
- Develop and deliver education programs as well as study and research for the creation of best practices.
- Provide the organizations with the use of appropriate tools, maximizing benefits for AAEC members.
- Foster time for debate and consensus
- To be a reference in ethics and compliance for organizations and individuals that compose them.
- To be a trainer of excellence in Compliance professionals in order to make it an effective and outstanding professional activity, being professionally and socially valued as well as generating concrete value in the organizations in which it is applied, today and in the future.
- Teamwork.
- Passion for doing the right thing.
- Continuous improvement towards excellence.
- Proactive, looking to the future of the profession.
- Dedication, professionalism and honesty in acting.
Maipú 942 - Piso 1
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires
Phone: (54) 11 4106-7000
Email: [email protected]
Carlos Rozen, President
Diego Rodriguez Rearte, Executive Director
Mariana Neustadt, Co-Director Institutional Relations
Liliana Arimany, Co-Director Institutional Relations
For more information please visit: http://www.eticaycompliance.org