Associación Colombiana de Integridad, Ética y Compliance
The Colombian Association of Integrity, Ethics and Compliance has the main objective of associating professionals who are interested and / or experienced in matters of Ethics, Integrity and Compliance, in order to strengthen their skills through peer interaction, the study, training and promotion of the Compliance Practice in Colombia and with other associations and companies at a global level. We are located in Bogotá, Colombia.
They can be members of ACIEC:
Physical persons
Legal persons
For more information contact us at [email protected]
Bogotá, Colombia
Phone: (+57) 304 5890854
Email: [email protected]
Mónica Vargas - Presidente
For more information please visit:
Associación Colombiana de Integridad, Ética y Compliance
The Colombian Association of Integrity, Ethics and Compliance has the main objective of associating professionals who are interested and / or experienced in matters of Ethics, Integrity and Compliance, in order to strengthen their skills through peer interaction, the study, training and promotion of the Compliance Practice in Colombia and with other associations and companies at a global level. We are located in Bogotá, Colombia.
They can be members of ACIEC:
Physical persons
Legal persons
For more information contact us at [email protected]
Bogotá, Colombia
Phone: (+57) 304 5890854
Email: [email protected]
Mónica Vargas - Presidente
For more information please visit: